
Tuesday, September 18, 2012


The purposes of food are to promote growth, to supply force and boil, and to furnish material to patch-up the garbage which is constantly taking place in the body. Every breath, all idea, all gesture, wears not at home a number of portion of the delicate and wonderful dwelling in which we live. Various critical processes remove these worn and useless particles; and to keep the body in wellbeing, their loss be obliged to be made lovely by constantly renewed goods of material appropriately adapted to top off the worn and impaired tissues. This renovating material be obliged to be supplied through the form of food and drink, and the unsurpassed food is with the purpose of by which the desired finish possibly will be the majority readily and without a glitch attained. The terrific diversity in character of the several tissues of the body, makes it needed with the purpose of food be supposed to contain a variety of elements, in order with the purpose of apiece part possibly will be appropriately nourished and replenished.

The food elements.

The various elements found in food are the following: Starch, sweetie, fats, albumen, limestone substances, indigestible substances.

The eatable food elements are often grouped, according to their element piece of music, into three classes; vis., carbonaceous, nitrogenous, and inorganic. The carbonaceous caste includes starch, sweetie, and fats; the nitrogenous, all albuminous elements; and the inorganic comprises the limestone elements.

Starch is simply found in vegetable foods; all grains, the majority vegetables, and a number of fruits, contain starch in wealth. Several kinds of sweetie are made in nature's laboratory; cane, grape, fruit, and milk sweetie. The firstly is obtained from the sugar-cane, the sap of maple trees, and from the beet root. Grape and fruit sugars are found in the majority fruits and in honey. Milk sweetie is solitary of the constituents of milk. Glucose, an mock sweetie resembling grape sweetie, is without hesitation largely manufactured by subjecting the starch of corn or potatoes to a element process; but it lacks the harmony of natural sugars, and is by veto process a proper switch in support of them. Albumen is found in its purest, uncombined state in the white of an egg, which is almost wholly calm of albumen. It exists, combined with other food elements, in many other foods, both physical and vegetable. It is found abundant in oatmeal, and to a number of scope in the other grains, and in the juices of vegetables. All natural foods contain elements which in many respects resemble albumen, and are so carefully united to it with the purpose of in support of convenience they are as a rule classified under the universal choose of "albumen." The chief of these is gluten, which is found in wheat, rye, and barley. Casein, found in peas, beans, and milk, and the fibrin of flesh, are elements of this caste.

Fats are found in both physical and vegetable foods. Of physical fats, butter and suet are collective examples. Taking part in vegetable form, fat is abundant in nuts, peas, beans, in various of the grains, and in a a small amount of fruits, as the olive. Since furnished by nature in nuts, legumes, grains, fruits, and milk, this element is forever found in a state of fine subdivision, which condition is the solitary unsurpassed adapted to its absorption. Since the majority commonly used, in the form of limitless fats, as butter, flab, and so on., it is not simply challenging of absorption itself, but often interferes with the absorption of the other food elements which are miscellaneous with it. It was doubtless not at all intended with the purpose of fats be supposed to be so modified from their natural condition and separated from other food elements as to be used as a separate article of food. The same possibly will be held of the other carbonaceous elements, sweetie and starch, neither of which, what time used solitary, is skillful of sustaining life, although what time combined in a proper and natural mode with other food elements, they play a the majority weighty part in the sustenance of the body. Most foods contain a percentage of the limestone elements. Grains and milk furnish these elements in wealth. The fiber, or woody tissue, of vegetables, and the fiber of wheat, are examples of indigestible elements, which although they cannot be converted into blood in tissue, achieve an weighty resolve by giving bulk to the food.

With the exception of gluten, not a hint of the food elements, what time used solitary, are skillful of behind life. A authentic food substance contains a number of of all the food elements, the amount of apiece changeable in altered foods.

Uses of the food elements.

Concerning the resolve which these altered elements achieve, it has been demonstrated by the experiments of eminent physiologists with the purpose of the carbonaceous elements, which in universal comprise the greater bulk of the food, achieve three purposes in the body;

1. They furnish material in support of the production of boil;

2. They are a source of force what time taken in connection with other food elements;

3. They top off the greasy tissues of the body. Of the carbonaceous elements, starch, sweetie, and fats, fats churn out the record amount of boil in proportion to quantity; with the purpose of is, more boil is industrial from a throb of fat than from an equal significance of sweetie or starch; but this visible pro is more than counterbalanced by the information with the purpose of fats are much more challenging of absorption than are the other carbonaceous elements, and if relied ahead to furnish satisfactory material in support of physically boil, would be productive of much trouble in overtaxing and producing disease of the digestive organs. The information with the purpose of nature has made a much more ample provision of starch and sugars than of fats in man's natural diet, would seem to indicate with the purpose of they were intended to be the chief source of carbonaceous food; however, fats, what time taken in such proportion as nature goods them, are needed and weighty food elements.

The nitrogenous food elements especially nurture the brain, nerves, muscles, and all the more highly vitalized and operating tissues of the body, and plus achieve as a stimulus to tissue trade. Hence it possibly will be held with the purpose of a food deficient in these elements is a particularly poor food.

The inorganic elements, chief of which are the phosphates, in the carbonates of potash, cold drink, and lime, aid in furnishing the requisite building material in support of bones and nerves.

Proper combinations of foods.

While it is weighty with the purpose of our food be supposed to contain a number of of all the various food elements,  experiments ahead both animals and human being beings bare it is needed with the purpose of these elements, especially the nitrogenous and carbonaceous, be used in convinced definite proportions, as the scheme is simply able to appropriate a convinced amount of apiece; and all leftover, especially of nitrogenous elements, is not simply useless, but even damaging, since to free the scheme of the surplus imposes an further task ahead the digestive and excretory organs. The family member proportion of these elements needed to constitute a food which without a glitch meets the food of the scheme, is six of carbonaceous to solitary of nitrogenous. Scientists control devoted much tender study and experimentation to the determination of the quantities of apiece of the food elements compulsory in support of the each day diet of persons under the changeable conditions of life, and it has get nearer to be commonly normal with the purpose of of the nitrogenous material which be supposed to constitute solitary sixth of the nutrients taken, approaching three ounces is all with the purpose of can be made employment of in twenty-four hours, by a healthy adult of norm significance, burden a moderate amount of piece. Many articles of food are, however, deficient in solitary or the other of these elements, and need to be supplemented by other articles containing the deficient element in superabundance, since to employ a dietary in which a few solitary of the nutritive elements is not there, although in bulk it possibly will be all the digestive organs can cope, is really starvation, and will in period occasion serious results.

It is along these lines visible with the purpose of much charge be supposed to be exercised in the selection and combination of food supplies. Such intelligence is of firstly meaning  in the education of cooks and housekeepers, since to them cataract the selection  of the food in support of the each day needs of the household; and they be supposed to not simply understand what did you say? Foods are unsurpassed suited to supply these needs, but how to bloc them in accordance with physiological laws.


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